Kristin Aleklett Kadish
I am a microbial ecologist with a keen interest for understanding more about the lives of microbes. I am currently leading a research group at Lund university focusing on exploring fungal behaviours and interactions.
Soil Chip projects:
- Understanding how biotic interactions and sensory stimuli affect fungal behaviour.
- Examining the effects of domestication on fungal behaviour
Fun facts about me:
What is your favourite microbe?
A: All fungi - They are so cool!
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A nature photographer.
Beach or forest?
A: Forest
What does your ideal fika look like?
A: A nice cappuccino with a sourdough cardamom bun
List 3 things that you’re good at:
A: Making up meals from random leftovers in the fridge, musical theatre, sorting & organizing things
What was your favourite cartoon as a kid and why?
A: The Rescuers Down Under – I just loved the idea of flying on a giant golden eagle, it looked like such a dream.
What do you look like when you dance?
A: A squiggly cuttlefish I imagine
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities for collaborations.